Thursday 14 July 2016

Recipe1: Spring Asian Salad

I've been away for quite sometime and I have been busy with my other work --- designing clothes. Since designing clothes is somewhat seasonal, on my off days...I'd like to be in my garden. I have started gardening last August 2015. I was overjoyed that the first seed I planted after a long time, blossomed, it was a basil seed that I bought online! From there my I started growing different herbs --- coriander, paisley, oregano, rosemary --- and eventually ventured into flowers and fruit bearing plants! I even took urban gardening lessons last January 2016 just to learn more about gardening!

Coincidentally, Evan (my S.O) is turning into a vegetarian for health reasons and I fully support him! He doesn't stop me from eating my meat but at least, I'm incorporating more vegetable into my meals. Last 2 weeks, I bought a lot of "healthy-vegetarian" ingredients (I'll soon post about it and where I bought them) for some experimental cooking.

I guess that I'm turning old and I'm beginning to like some "adult" hobbies --- gardening and cooking! Hahahaha. Presenting to you a fuss free salad recipe that one can definitely do even if you are not a master chef!

I'm no chef or baker, so my terms aren't technical:) do correct me or if you have some thoughts and advice to share, I'd love to hear them! Let's learn from each other!

Serves: 1 bowl
4 leaves of Romaine, Sliced
1 Pickle Cucumber (small cucumber), sliced to round shapes
3 dwarf red Bell pepper
1 Banana (Variety: Lacatan), sliced to round shapes
a handful of raw cashew nuts , unsalted
Kesong Puti to top
Chia seeds to top
Sesame vinaigrette (Brand: Kewpie)

Hope you like it!

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